The delightful merriment of the wedding party shone out in all the wedding photos throughout the day.
Colin and the guys were tucking into a full breakfast and champagne when David, their wedding photographer, arrived. The delightful merriment of the wedding party shone out in all the wedding photos throughout the day. Final touches to make-up completed the wedding photographs at the bride’s house burst with the happiness of the occasion. Excellent make-up by Enhance and gorgeous hair by Grafters, and timing was perfect. Beautiful candy coloured bouquets of pinks, yellows and blushed oranges worked brilliantly for the bride and her bridesmaids, who wore deep coral chiffon. Annette and Colin wed at the Church of Immaculate Conception in Drumsna. The aisle was dressed with tall lanterns and cute white wicker hearts. The church in Drumsna has stunning stained glass creating a fabulous backdrop for wedding photos and also boasts one of the largest church bells in the country.
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Wonderful Wedding Photography at Drumsna.
After their ceremony Colin and Annette were joined by their wedding party for wedding photography along the river bank at Drumsna Bridge. This is a very picturesque location for wedding photography with the river Shannon flowing under the seven arches of the stone bridge. Just add lush green grass, dancing yellow daffodils and the rippling water to a wonderful wedding group and you have the most incredible wedding photos that will keep remarkable memories treasured forever. The Cavan Crystal Hotel was the final destination of the day. The new interior decor at the Cavan Crystal is fabulous. Spectacular candelabras inside columns of beads are very striking, statement pieces which add dramatic touches to wedding photos. The modern take on a classical theme of purple and grey is very successful, affording couples a glamourous setting for their wedding photography.
[<em>The thumbnail images below may appear cropped. Please click on the thumbnail to view the image correctly.</em>]
Wedding Photographer: David Knight